Thursday, 20 September 2012

Example of previous trailer work - No Mans Land

In May 2012, I used some of my free time over the weekend to produce a small trailer. It was made in three days so I didn't really have time to think of a complicated storyline. I kept the dialogue vague and tried to film a collection of interestng shots to edit later on. All the footage I took my-self, taking advantage of weather and climate, as well as small events like the helicopter flying over the moorland in one shot. I dubbed ober the dialogue to give some sence of story, even if it was vague. I then used a music track called 'Knights and Lords' by 'Audiomachine', to give it an epic feel.

The locations included;

1. Black Stone Edge (Pennines) - My brother was getting taken back to leeds university so I tagged along and brought the camera and tripod with me. My younger bother, and dad were also coming.

2. Billinge Hill (Lancashire) - this is literally a ten minute drive away from where I live so I took advantage of the clear sunset. I used my younger brother to act.


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