Sunday, 2 December 2012

SCRIPT - Soundtrack


"Broken and burning, it came from the sky. Shards scattered across a desolated landscape. Monuments to the end of human civilization. It’s been 20 years since, since the fall of human civilization. You are strong, son, moving from mountain to mountain, through fierce heat, relentless blizzards and rivers of blood. The blood of the dead. Requiem."
"The hive-mind has their memories, don’t let him find you."


LATER, I decided to improvise the trailer script, so it sounded more realistic and enigmatic. I went for a run with a small mic-recorder, and had my-self speak into it as if I were the character within the film, logging some information down.

The subject changed to explain certain points:
-Northern Network Compromised.
-Currently moving to outpost 13-A.
-Remembering the day everything changed.
-Remembering how everything used to be, a long time ago.

I think these points are a better guideline because they suggest something a little more catastrophic has happened to the world, and the fact that it is being recorded by the character within the film would explain why not much is revealed - for that, people would have to pick out what they can from the trailer.

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